AWS provides a variety of services that may assist organisations with a wide range of activities. AWS online training course has a detailed view of them. Let discover a few of those in this article.
The Identity and Access Management system on AWS makes it easier to manage numerous accounts. For working cloud services, you can develop custom rules.
The Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) is a flexible way for customers to generate backup data. You may use S3 buckets to store and manage your backup data. Long-term storage options from Amazon include Amazon Elastic Book Store and Amazon Glacier.
Amazon glacier
This low-cost storage solution lets customers store info that they only seldom access. This solution helps companies save a great deal of money on preserving their cold data, which is ideal for small organisations.
Amazon elastic computes cloud
This is a virtualisation technology that enterprises may use to run a variety of apps. Engineers may use these servers, also known as Instances, to access the computational power of AWS data centres.
Data migration
Corporations may also transfer their fileservers, programmes, and datasets to the AWS cloud platform. They may also handle their data with the help of AWS Migration Hub. AWS Snowball is another data movement solution offered by Amazon.
Database management
Amazon offers numerous services to assist organisations in managing their information, notably Amazon Relational Database Service. This system works with various database systems and allows customers to manage, restore, and move their data. It can also assist you with data backup.
Configuration and administration of the cloud
Users may use AWS Config and AWS Config Rules to administer cloud resources. In particular, AWS Certified Advisor can recommend the optimum setup approaches based on performance, security, and expense.
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